Universitą di Modena e Reggio Emilia


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SELECTION MODALITIES: based upon scientific titles.

Within the respect of article 3 of the current offer of positions, the candidates have to submit, together with the sheet of admission request and the possible titles, documents and publications, the following documents:

  1. Photocopy of a valid identity card.
  2. The candidates who have got their academic title abroad must present a certificate referring to their title, including a list of the exams and the corresponding marks, and a translation in Italian of their title, according to the modalities specified in article 2. This document will be employed to evaluate whether the candidate is suitable for entering the doctorate competition.
  3. The candidates possessing an Italian academic title must present their Degree certificate, which must detail the list of the examinations ant the corresponding marks.
  4. A curriculum vitae must be presented in tow copies of the scientific and teaching activity, written in Italian or English, including indications of the University titles got by the candidate.
  5. A summary in Italian or English of the Degree thesis or equivalent document, formed by a minimum of three to a maximum of six pages, segmented into the following sections: motivation of the Thesis, research methods, results achieved.
  6. A concise text, of no more that two pages, written in English, clarifying the candidate motivations to join the School, and description of the specific research interests (Statement of research interest).
  7. Possible certificate declaring the level of knowledge of the British language (e.g. TOEFL or Proficiency).
  8. Possible certificate of having passed the GRE test (Graduate Record Examination).
  9. Possible papers with relative list in original document, in copy declared authentic, or in photocopy. In this latter case, the candidate must certify the fact that the document is authentic, according to D.P.R. n. 445 del 28/12/2000.
  10. Additional titles believed to be useful for the competition.
  11. List of the documents presented in two copies.

The evaluation is based upon the written titles presented together with the request for admission. The evaluation will be carried out by a Commission formed by the Vice-chancellor.
The commission attributes marks to the titles presented. By each candidate. Once the evaluation of the titles has been concluded, the commission will compile a list on the basis of the marks. The admission is based upon the above list until the number of available positions according to the document prepared by the vice-chancellor has been filled.


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